This centre for elderly people is situated in a landscaped open space at the heart of Maienfeld in Switzerland. The bold articulation of the volume creates a scale appropriate to the surroundings and also allows the formation of terraced areas on all levels. The building contains 54 rooms for nursing care as well as four sheltered dwellings. The entrance leads directly to the three-storey central hall, which determines the spatial layout of the whole building. Roof lights in the corners of this polygonal space allow the entry of natural light. The hall is the main point of orientation in the entire structure. Located here, too, is a cafe. This space is used for various events such as concerts, talks and celebrations. It also serves as an after-school care centre with lunchtime dining facilities. The hall is not least a meeting point where social contacts are made. Here, outside life is attracted into the building, thus promoting an exchange between generations. On three sides, there are intimate recesses with openings to the park-like outdoor realm.

Each of the two care stations per storey is laid out in the form of a large “dwelling” with its own kitchen and dining area. The circular corridors open out at various points to form sitting areas and recesses that serve as places of withdrawal. At the same time, residents can enjoy views out of the building to the surrounding landscape as well as glimpses of the hall through internal windows. In this way, visual links are created across the central open space to the other care stations.