Located among small-scale developments in suburban Vienna, this chemist’s shop was erected on a site that had been cleared by demolition. The customers’ entrance is from the main road, while access for staff and deliveries is from the opposite end. Between the two ends is a sequence of spaces, with courtyards that lend transparency to the organizational system. The concept is distinguished by the use of light and natural attributes, and by the links created between indoor and outdoor space. An exposed concrete roof slab is drawn over the entire structure and turned up at the ends to form a balustrade to the roof terrace along the street faces. The angle of slope follows the line of the pitched roofs of the adjoining buildings. These precast concrete elements allow a column-free facade over a length of 15 metres. The full-height glazing ensures a sense of transparency and orientation as well as visual links between indoor and outdoor realms. At dusk, the interior seems transformed into a gallery with light sculptures, while at night it is closed off – rather like a stage space – by a curtain.