This development in Lower Bavaria is the first part of a new ensemble to be created on a former industrial site between the two parts of the community. To obtain funding for the proj-ect, a 1980s’ production hall was converted, retaining its two-storey structure, with a concrete skeleton frame on the lower level and a steel frame construction on the ground floor. All other elements, including the facade and roof, were replaced.

Trussed girders 2.50 m high above the steel frames increase the internal height and provide space for services. A bright, two-storey foyer was formed by cutting out a bay 30 ? 4 m in the floor over the basement. The ground floor, with its spacious hall, was left largely open and free of columns. Flexible partitions permit different divisions and uses. Specially designed hoppers focus natural and artificial light and control darkening effects. A strip of fenestration over the rendered masonry plinth opens the formerly closed hall, with a layer of aluminium louvres filtering views in and out. The new facade is closed at the top by a broad band of timber.