Only a short distance from the centre of Altötting, an elongated structure with a steeply pitched gable roof rises between monastery gardens. The Culture + Congress Forum, designed by Florian Nagler Architects, is the biggest secular structure in a place of pilgrimage that is dominated by ecclesiastical buildings.

The large multifunctional hall is integrated quite naturally into the surroundings. Its clear-cut form and the shingled roof, which is visible from afar, define a powerful volume with subdued yet subtly differentiated rendered outer surfaces.

The building is just as clearly structured internally. From the new forecourt, visitors enter a brightly lit foyer that provides access to conference rooms, offices and introverted courtyards. The heart of this new development, however, is on the upper floor: the great hall beneath an exposed roof structure. The character of the hall is largely defined by the orthogonal timber trusses and the roof space – open up to the ridge – while the subdued silver-grey scumbled wood surfaces help to create a location with an intense yet nevertheless restrained atmosphere. With its mobile partitions, flexible stage podiums and rows of seating that can be varied in height, the forum is best equipped to host a broad range of events, ranging from concerts and stage performances to balls and conferences.