Discussion: Architects as Product Designers – a Chronology of the 20th Century

© Christian Richters
© Georg-Fessy
© Thomas Heinz
© Galerie Objekte Wolfgang F. Maurer
© Vorwerk & Co. Teppichwerke
The 20th century is the century of product ­design, although the concept really came into its own only after the Second World War, and special training in this field was not widely ­available at first. At the same time, in view of ­increasing specialization in the architectural profession, product design as part of a comprehensive concept of planning has receded further and further into the background since the 1950s. The design of every aspect of a building to create a synthesis of the arts is ­rarely the responsibility of the architect any more, as it was in the past. The Hill House in Helensburgh near Glasgow, completed in 1903, is an example of this. As part of the furnishings for this scheme, the architect, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, designed the Hill House Chair. Originally conceived for the bedroom, where it occupied a set position between two white cupboards, the chair was more decorative than functional.