Discussion: Cost-Efficient Building Means ­Sustainable Building

© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
© Eduard Hueber/archphoto.com
Complaining about clients and costs and the limitations these impose on one’s creativity is the done thing among architects nowadays. Some, indeed, know how to exploit the media in support of their case. One explains that a project has assumed such a modest form because too little money was available for the architecture. In our opinion, arguments of this kind are based on an elementary misunderstanding of the role of the architect in the planning and construction process.