Discussion: Frankfurt am Main: Life along the River

© Waltraud Krase
© Susanne Funk
© Susanne Funk
© Susanne Funk
© Susanne Funk
© Waltraud Krase
It takes less than ten minutes to walk from what is currently the highest bank tower in Europe to the “Nizza”, the district on the River Main at the heart of Frankfurt that in the 1920s was famed for its Mediterranean flair. Cedars, almond and lemon trees, fashionable “beach life” at Mosler’s and tango fever on pleasure boats were a token of this urban scene. As early as 1832, an inn called the “Mainlust” had opened there, and people were stimulated to promenade up and down to the strains of music from the nearby pavilions. Forty years later, the city delegates voted to create a series of riverside facilities from which the Nizza still benefits today. Susanne Funk