With its conventional roof form and the use of materials commonly found in local developments, the structure is harmoniously integrated into the Tegernsee landscape in Upper Bavaria. Built into the slope of the site on one side, the house opens to the south-west to afford a wonderful view of the lake. The concept of a solid stone plinth in an Alpine setting would seem to have been implemented here in the form of the exposed concrete lower floor level. The top of this concrete plinth structure serves as an outdoor terrace. Drawn over the facade and roof of the simple main volume of the building is a continuous skin of split larch shingles, which is not interrupted by any appreciable eaves projection nor by any visible rainwater gutter. As a result of the carefully designed details for this traditional cladding material, any suggestion of a rustic appearance is avoided. In the course of time, the untreated wood will be transformed into a silvery-grey scale-like skin.