Housing Development in Zurich with Dwellings for Senior Citizens, a Crèche and a Parent-Child Centre

© Arazebra / Andrea Helbling
© Arazebra / Andrea Helbling
© Thomas Madlener
© Arazebra / Andrea Helbling
© Arazebra / Andrea Helbling
© Arazebra / Andrea Helbling
Erected in a new urban centre in the district of Affoltern, Zurich, this development incorporates dwellings for the elderly and a parent-child unit. A “Spitex” station looks after residents where necessary. The three volumes, offset to each other and of different heights, are a response to the existing loose development structure and landscaping of the area. The layout affords views in all directions. At ground floor level, in contrast, the extended plinth zones, with mainly public uses, create clearly defined open spaces: a tree-shaded square of urban character, forming the centre of the development; a grassed playing area for the nursery; and alleyways that function as intermediate spaces and lines of access.

One condition attached to the purchase of the site was the creation of a day nursery and a parent-child unit. To encourage spontaneous contacts between residents, the area was designed with an open network of routes both inside and outside the buildings. Entrances to the childcare facilities are oriented to the central open space. In contrast, the points of access to the housing blocks are situated on the outside with links to the circulation routes. Residents can thus choose whether they wish to be involved in public life or to follow quieter paths. Garden spaces in each building, and entrance zones with seating facilities afford scope for encounters between people. The residential storeys contain a mixture of two- and small three-room flats. By designing the layouts in mirror-image form from floor to floor, different types and orientations were created.