The competition conditions for the development of this site at the centre of Altstetten, a district of Zurich, required the construction of 42 owner-occupied dwellings as well as 52 sheltered homes for the SAW foundation, an organization that supports housing for the elderly. The three parties involved – the municipal building authorities, the SAW foundation and a private developer – had agreed on an unbureaucratic and innovative approach, but this was possible only with a reorganization of the site area. The municipal land originally lay between two plots belonging to the developer, so that a single, overall scheme seemed the best solution – a solution that also allowed the integration of the neighbouring Krone restaurant, which is a listed building.

The architects seized the opportunity of creating a unified design for the  ensemble of owner-occupied dwellings and subsidized sheltered housing, so that the development would have a single, powerful identity. At the same time, they articulated it in such a way that the individual tracts retain a certain autonomy. The housing for senior citizens, with communal spaces, has a clear and simple form that seems entirely convincing and that lends the ensemble a quite noble expression. In part, this is the outcome of the unusual design of the spacious access balconies and the careful choice of materials and types of rendering.