The name itself shows that this building is not just a run-of-the-mill library; it has a wide range of functions. In addition to housing books and other media, the structure accommodates the university computer centre and multimedia facilities. The building is similarly heterogeneous in its form. From a distance, the library stands out from the otherwise rectilinear structures in the area by virtue of its curved facade. What at first glance may appear to be a random form, however, proves on closer examination to be the outcome of a carefully considered urban concept. Viewed from the side facing the city, the building has the appearance of a slender, free-standing tower, an emblem of the university complex, in a sense. On the side overlooking the campus, the full volume is revealed, evidently firmly rooted in the park. The glazed double-skin facade is printed on the inside and outside with texts in various languages and typefaces. These are superimposed on each other to such an extent that it is no longer possible to decipher them.