"Some may describe this building as clad in a suit of chain mail; others may see it attired in a silver robe. At all events, the images it conjures are usually associated with the world of fairy tales, and the location certainly supports that. The development is surrounded by magnificent old trees and imposing 18th-century villas; and nevertheless it is situated in the centre of Zurich. Regardless of the ideas it evokes, when one stands in front of this dwelling block, with the sunlight shimmering and glinting on the curtain-like steel facade, it is certainly no common or garden architectural titbit that comes to mind. At all events, the facade does not move in the wind, for each square metre of this extravagant building material weighs 14 kilograms. Not only the manufacture of these steel “curtains”, but also their suspended fixing and above all their operating system – specially developed for this project – posed a technical challenge. Drawn around the building behind the silvery sunscreen is a glazed skin that affords an unimpeded view out into the splendid park. As a third facade layer, the architects introduced sliding wall elements with a brightly coloured external face. "