45 inspirations found
Living with Water
Architects and planners can play a huge role in climate change as we think about the built environment and how to design for the future. But that que...
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Residential Complex near Porto
The Portuguese village community of Vale de Cambra is located 40 km southeast of Porto. Surrounded by dispersed houses and halls with red sheet metal...
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Interview gaupenraub+/–
Alexander Hagner and Ulrike Schartner from gaupenraub +/– are experts in building for the homeless. In “Building for the Community in Vien...
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Electric Charging Station in Fredericia
The growing number of electric cars calls for a corresponding infrastructure in the form of charging stations. For the joint venture by Eon Drive and ...
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Report: NiGRES Tower on the Oka
The arrangement of four high-voltage cable masts arranged in pairs for the electricity supply organisation NiGRES was designed in 1927 and built in 19...
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Combined Power and Heating Plant in Stockholm
The Värtaverket combined power and district heating plant in northeast Stockholm has been in existence since the beginning of the 20th century. Today ...
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