25 inspirations found
Startup Centre InnoDom Cologne
A think tank with the appeal of an industrial workshop – this is how the Cologne University Foundation envisioned their startup centre. In orde...
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Apartment Building in Paris
On a narrow residual site along the railway line, 245 mini apartments were made near Montparnasse train station. A number are rented to students, o...
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Community Centre in Rajarhat
The community centre in Rajarhat in northern Bangladesh, built through the aid of the Dutch Pani Foundation, is a low-tech building with a passive cli...
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Research and practice: Ice storage systems for buildings
Buildings can only be heated and cooled efficiently if a large proportion of ambient heat and cold can be extracted from the outside air, the ground a...
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Report: 101 Ideas for Athens from Urban Think Tank
With relevant experiences gained in Caracas, Urban Think Tank (U-TT) now addresses the European city. One of the most recent proj-ects of this multidi...
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Discussion: “We Want to Re-program Buildings” A Conversation with Reinier de Graaf
Reinier de Graaf has been at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture OMA for 20 years. He is one of the firm’s nine partners. De Graaf established AM...
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