Although the architecture and the urban situation of the former nursing home were still of convincing quality, after more than four decades of use, a comprehensive refurbishment had become necessary. Entering the foyer today, with its view over the Limmat Valley to Uetliberg, one has the impression of being in a meticulously designed spa hotel. The architects were concerned above all with preserving the character and attributes of the existing development, while at the same time subtly heightening and extrapolating them. In addition, they sought to transform the atmosphere and standard of comfort to comply with modern demands.

This is evident in the facade, where the old, dark-green fenestration with glazing bars has been replaced by picture windows with slender, bronze-coloured, shimmering frames and narrow ventilation strips. In order to retain the character of the outer skin, only internal insulation was possible. The balustrades in exposed-aggregate concrete and the panels of sandlime brickwork were renovated and cleaned, and a protective coating was applied to the exposed-concrete elements. Internally, the materials and surface qualities help to create a congenial atmosphere that one rarely finds in hospitals or nursing homes.