Report: Bird of Paradise or Cuckoo’s Egg? The Brandhorst Museum in the Munich Gallery District

© Frank Kaltenbach
© Frank Kaltenbach
© Frank Kaltenbach
Since Karl Friedrich Schinkel built the Old Museum in Berlin in 1830 and Leo von Klenze  the Alte Pinakothek in Munich in 1836, the two cities have vied with each other to be the leading museum venue in Germany. Central art districts have been created in both cities, but today, Berlin can be regarded as the undisputed museum capital of Germany. To catch up in this competition, Munich has now erected the Brandhorst Museum – with an exhibition area of 3,200 m2 – in its gallery district. Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton, the new structure has been criticized for its bold coloration and use of materials untypical of the location, and for turning its back on the other galleries here.