Research and practice: Eco-labels: A guide to building product selection

© Desso
© Uzin Utz
© Xella Deutschland
© Holzwerk Gebr. Schneider
© Lignotrend
© Jeld-Wen Deutschland
A new legal position relating to public procurement and the award of building contracts has come into being since the introduction of Directive 2014/24/EU. This so-called “contract award directive” encompasses public building contracts as well as supply and services contracts for public authorities. This new ruling enables the contracting authority to use the public procurement process to support common social and environmental objectives (innovative, ecological, social etc.) to an even greater extent. Preliminary remark (75) of the directive specifies that in order to achieve these objectives it should be possible for ­contracting authorities to refer, above all, to (preferably multinational) eco-labels and other labels in the procurement process.

To support authorities involved in public procurement, but also architects and planners in the tendering process for private and commercial buildings, the natureplus association has compiled a series of tendering guidelines for products commonly used in the interior fit-out of buildings. This work was based on a comparative analysis of environmental labels for building products from all over Europe, as well as of their criteria, for their suitability for Green Public Procurement (GPP). (Thomas Schmitz, Ilka Voß, Hildegund Mötzl, Heidrun Hofmann)