Research and practice: Efficient and low-cost design of comfort ventilation systems

© Universität Innsbruck/Pavel Sevela
© Universität Innsbruck/Pavel Sevela
© Zehnder GmbH
© RWD Schlatter AG
Mechanical ventilation units with heat recovery supply healthy, low-pollutant air, transmit the preheated supply air to the interior space without draughts and reduce ventilation heat loss significantly by recovering approximately 90?% of the extracted heat.

User surveys have confirmed that residents in numerous developments approve of the high level of comfort and are generally happy with the ventilation systems. (Knotzer, A. et al.: Konzepte für die »low-tech« Komfortlüftung in großvolumigen Wohngebäuden und deren Nutzungskomfort. Endbericht 2015.

(Rainer Pflüger, Gabriel Rojas, Elisabeth Sibylle, Oliver Kah, Kristin Bräunlich)