Removed from the main stream of tourism, lies Montpellier, the fastest-growing city in France today. There, in a neighbourhood that includes the city hall by Jean Nouvel and Zaha Hadid’s archive and library building, the Georges Frèche School of Hotel Management by Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas is the newest and most unconventional project in an ambitious architectural programme. The school buildings, with their silvery outer skins, stand out in what are otherwise banal surroundings. The complex includes a hotel and qualitative dining facilities. Although the hotel has only 12 rooms and two suites, it was possible to finance it, since, together with the restaurant, it forms part of a development with a gross storey area of 26,000 m2. Distributed over the site are five buildings and a sports area, all with different forms and each enclosed within a skin of composite aluminium panels. The actual school occupies two buildings: a three-storey volume with a B-shaped layout and a two-storey Y-shaped structure. These are linked across narrow intermediate spaces by steel bridges at different levels.