Specialist know-how: Mitigation Measures for Vibration-Prone Structures

© Gerber Architekten
© Max Gündel / Wölfel Engineering
© Wölfel Engineering
© Helmut Etzkorn / Westfälische ­Nachrichten
© Wölfel Engineering
Long-span, lightweight structures in particular are susceptible to excitation as a result of loads exerted by people, machines, traffic, wind and earthquakes. This can adversely ­affect their serviceability and, in extreme cases, place the loadbearing capability of these structures at risk.

Vibrations of structures are still a neglected peripheral topic although they limit the use and endanger the loadbearing capability of buildings. The fundamental knowledge of and experience in structural dynamics are essential to be able to assess the susceptibility of buildings to vibrations and implement mitigating measures. Furthermore, if the required vibration reduction measures are considered at an early stage of the design, damage and ­adverse effects on the utility of the building can usually be avoided at moderate cost. (Max Gündel)