The new sports hall in Villach is enclosed in a semitransparent facade of perforated sheet copper with rectangular corrugations. This skin, which shimmers in different forms, depending on the weather conditions and light, is offset by window strips that extend over the full length of the north-east facade at upper-floor level and along the south-east side at ground-floor level.

In conjunction with nume­rous roof lights, the upper-floor strip ensures even, natural lighting conditions internally without glare, while the fenestration along the south-east front affords a view into the sports hall from the adjoining school playground. Projecting out above the main entrance is a maintenance corridor – also clad in copper – that forms a protective covering over the glazed front. By offsetting the horizontal copper strips of cladding by the width of one corrugation, the facade was articulated in a harmonious, tripartite form.

The elongated volume of the hall stands parallel to the main road and shields the outdoor sports area to the rear. By setting the building four metres below the level of the road, it was possible to create a direct underground link with the neighbouring school. At the same time, the triple hall, with a height of approximately 12 metres, does not appear over-dimensioned in urban-planning terms.