Technology: Functional and Energy-saving Potential in Windows and Apertures

© ift Rosenheim
The ift in Rosenheim is in charge of specifying the norms for windows, facades, and doors, and prepares certification of new products. In addition to that, it has developed a total of twenty-three criteria which are to be taken into account in the planning and construction of windows and glass facades.

The ift Rosenheim focusses especially on the areas of usability, quality, and security as criteria for their research. On the one hand, a product must perform and fulfil the expectations placed upon it through the entire period of use; on the other hand, safety must not be compromised by failure of an individual component, nor by insufficient structural dimensioning. Security has to do with discouraging break-ins, protection from special risks such as fire, and above all, child safety and unimpeded accessibility for elders. Energy and the environment are also very important. The institute views sustainability as an all-encompassing problem to be addressed. That is why tests of elution and evaporatioin associated with the products are conducted, as well as resource consumption over the entire life cycle.

At the ift Rosenheim criteria are developed that can help the branch optimise its product development at an early stage to attain simpler and safer use and to answer the following questions: Are functional components intuitively recognisable? Is the operation of the product comprehensible for all user groups? Our recommendations are increasingly being implemented by the construction industry – so that windows, doors, and larger openings are created that are accepted by the consumers and used in day-to-day life.

Roland Pawlitschko interviewed Ulrich Sieberath, director of ift Rosenheim at the institute in Rosenheim.