Technology: Integrated Planning of The Zollverein School of Management and Design

© SANAA/Zollverein School
© SANAA/Zollverein School
© SANAA/Zollverein School
© Thomas Madlener
© Thomas Mayer Archive
© Thomas Mayer Archive
What was once the largest colliery in the world is now being redeveloped according to a master plan by Rem Koolhaas/OMA. Many of the buildings at the former Zollverein coal mine (on the UNESCO World Heritage list since December 2001) have been refurbished and converted to other uses. The first structure to be newly built will be the Zollverein School of Management and Design, which stands at the edge of the colliery area. In the master plan, this was designated as the location of an urban “attractor”. The winning scheme in the international competition for the school was submitted by the Tokyo architects SANAA. They proposed a seamless concrete cube 34 m high and laid out to a 35 ≈ 35 m square plan. The monumental size, reflecting the scale of the colliery buildings, was to be relativized by numerous openings in the outer skin.