This robust residential complex is located in heterogeneous residential fabric on a southerly slope on the edge of town. A perimeter wall of exposed concrete holds together 16 condominium apartments in an irregular form that responds to the topography of the slope. The surfaces surrounding the new structure – meadow and asphalt – abut the building. The asphalt even flows into the lobby. The sloping elevator situated here serves the eight living levels; the ceiling deck above the elevator shaft doubles as cascading stair that leads to the shared terrace and playground on the uppermost level.

Together, stair and elevator form the spine, which is clearly legible on the exterior as concrete band. On both sides of it the units are arranged in layers of space that run parallel to the slope and are oriented to the spacious roof terraces. Both the thick concrete parapets with oblique tops and the concrete walls shield these outdoor spaces from noise and visual contact with passers-by and neighbours.

Moreover, the ground level parking garage screens the entire ensemble – and in particular, the roof gardens of the first floor flats – from the street. Each unit has two entrances: a large entrée connected directly to the elevator at the rear of the apartment and an entrance from the stairway at the facade. From there the living area extends along the completely glazed front to the outer wall; lightweight wall construction may be employed if separate rooms are desired.