© Rubén P. Bescós
The small town of Illueca with its population of nearly 3000 is situated in one of the least densely populated areas of Aragon, roughly 60 km west of Zaragoza. Considering that the population of this barren mountainous region has been shrinking for years and in order to prevent it from declining further, the municipality decided to significantly expand cultural services. In 2016 they advertised a competition for the construction of a theatre. The new cultural building was intended as a replacement for the aged cinema at the eastern border of the town centre. The winning competition entry by Magén Arquitectos
convinced jury by proposing an additive tectonic ensemble
of building volumes that harmonises with the heterogeneous small scale surroundings in a restrained manner.
convinced jury by proposing an additive tectonic ensemble
of building volumes that harmonises with the heterogeneous small scale surroundings in a restrained manner.