Designing the world to be a little bit friendlier. It’s not that unusual for a well-intentioned wish to become a slogan that brings a lodgings concept to life. When this idea is implemented in as original and idiosyncratic a manner as the Huai Khwang pilot project however, the ­invoked Yim — the Thai word for smile — is conjured up of its own accord.

Travellers of all ages will find the ideal setting here for a relaxing end to the day after touring the vibrant neighbourhood of the same name or Bangkok’s historic centre to the west. The hotel’s owners have managed to turn the idea of a building with a bright and cheerful aura into reality in an existing office block ­dating from the late 80s. The curiosity of passersby is aroused from the outset by the hotel’s cantilevered loggia above a transparent entrance storey.

Its expressive potential is ­accentuated by designer collective Supermachine through a hand-made bamboo cladding that creates a tactile experiential contrast to the existing building. Indirect lighting enhances this effect, especially in the evening. The ­interiors too have undergone a striking transformation. Bright colours, divergent materials and a bold mix of furniture are juxtaposed and diversity is elevated to the status of general principle.